Flight School at Garden State Helicopters

You step into the helicopter’s pilot seat; a few moments later the blades begin to whir overhead at your cue. You rise, then soar over the stunning New Jersey landscape – gliding through the clouds, soaking in spectacular views and remaining in full command and control of this impressive machine.

Few experiences compare to piloting a helicopter. Sensations of freedom, weightlessness, and the power to direct your course make for an unforgettable experience.

Have you ever wanted to pilot a helicopter? At Garden State Helicopters, we guide each student on their journey toward becoming a licensed and capable helicopter pilot. Our instructors teach both technical skills and help you gain a comprehensive understanding of both theory and application for a well-rounded education.

We welcome all skill levels, from beginners all the way up to fixed-wing commercial pilots. No matter what your level of confidence or experience, we have a program that can accommodate you and your needs.

If you’ve been contemplating or always wanted to learn how to pilot a helicopter, contact us today! We’d love to welcome you to our flight school.

Here Are a Few of the Courses We Teach:

Introductory Flight Lessons

No aviation experience? No problem. This is the right track to help you hit the ground running.

We’ll begin by covering those first essential lessons of helicopter aviation, helping you establish a solid foundation of fundamentals. During these lessons we’ll teach you all the basics, then ease you into more complex concepts as you progress at your own pace.

If you’re not sure whether helicopter flight is for you, don’t worry – we offer fifteen-minute flights that allow you to give piloting a “test run” so you can decide whether it is the right thing for you.


Private Pilot Rating

Ready to take things a bit more seriously and jump into helicopter certification? Then this course is for you. A private pilot certification allows you to fly alone, or to transport friends and family in a helicopter for recreation.

This course takes you from beginner aviation concepts, all the way up to your final “check ride” for your certificate. It covers navigation, traffic patterns, radio procedures, weather, flight maneuvers, and inspections, as well as several other important topics.

Upon graduation, you’ll be free to share the matchless experience of a helicopter ride with your loved ones.


Rotorcraft Private Pilot Add-On Rating

If you already pilot a plane, you are already well-equipped with some of the knowledge necessary to pilot a helicopter. That’s why we created our Rotorcraft Private Pilot Add-On Rating: this course expedites flight training for pilots of other aircrafts.

We’ll cover the basics of helicopter inspections, movement, and emergency maneuvers, as well as the techniques necessary to hover over one region or land in a confined space.

Expand your horizons by adding a Private Pilot certification to your aviation resume.


Commercial Pilot Rating

Our Commercial Pilot Rating course trains students to become business-level pilots. If you’re interested in offering helicopter tours, transportation services, or other profitable helicopter flights, you’ll need a commercial pilot license before doing so.

Our Commercial Pilot Rating course includes extensive training in aircraft systems. It also develops more precise skills than our Private Pilot Rating course, resulting in smooth rides and professional airmanship.

After graduation, you’ll feel confident in your skills and ready to take on your FAA exam.


Rotorcraft Commercial Pilot Add-On Rating

Current pilots interested in adding commercial helicopter training to their repertoire should invest in our Rotorcraft Commercial Pilot Add-On Rating.

This course mimics our Commercial Pilot Rating training, but doesn’t require the same number of practice flight hours. We’ll practice landing in confined spaces, emergency maneuvers, and more.

Our instructors will walk you through each lesson carefully, so you can pass your FAA test with flying colors.


Certified Flight Instructor Rating

Interested in sharing your love of helicopter flights with a new generation of pilots? Our Certified Flight Instructor Rating will teach you the essentials of helicopter instruction, lesson planning, and more.

We’ll cover the important safety guidelines involved in training a new pilot. We’ll also practice intricate maneuvers, and cover the best ways to communicate important flight concepts with beginners.

The Certified Flight Instructor Training is perfect for individuals who are ready to pass on their passion for flight.


Ready to Take Flight!

If you’ve always dreamed of flying a helicopter (or if you’ve recently sparked an interest in helicopter aviation), join one of our classes. Our dedicated instructors are standing by to teach you the essentials of safety, precision, and skill in piloting a helicopter.

Don’t pass up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sign up for your helicopter class today!